Order of Augustinian Recollects (O.A.R.)

Order of Augustinian Recollects (O.A.R.)
4343 Perlita Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90039
Telephone: 323-245-4585


Monday, July 21, 2014


Some exciting news... Members of Cristo Rey Church who are attending or planning to attend community college (Glendale, Pasadena, Los Angeles City) are being invited to be considered for full scholarships that are available to cover tuition, books, supplies and all other expenses.  Also included would be a program of weekly mentoring or tutoring.

This program, known as "Ascending Lights." is being made available to Cristo Rey Church, and the benefactors of this program are part of a group of individuals and organizations that want to acknowledge and recognize young people who have been leaders and volunteers in our parish.

This particular program has been in operation for over 20 years, and we are excited that Cristo Rey has been selected for participation.  Anyone who is presently attending community college or who will be attending community college in the fall is invited to contact Father Michael as soon as possible to begin the application process.